Cellulite develops in different stages, each increasingly influenced by estrogen hormones, poor circulation, water retention, increased fat cells, and loss of skin elasticity.
Although diet and exercise are useful in reducing body weight, they have very little impact on cellulite. Since cellulite develops in different layers of skin, a combination of approaches is required to successfully reach and address cellulite at each specific layer.
Endermologie was the first method approved by the FDA to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It has been proven safe and effective by countless clinical cellulite treatment studies. This is the most popular non-invasive alternative to liposuction! It improves skin texture, reduces the appearance of cellulite, and targets localized fat deposits to eliminate them.
Cellulite is classified into four categories
Stage 1: “Orange Peel”
appearance visible only when pinching the skin
Stage 2: “Orange Peel” appearance visible without pinching the skin
Stage 3: ”Mattress-like” or “Dimpling” appearance, impaired circulation
Stage 4: All of the above in addition to A loss of skin elasticity causing fat clusters, rippling effect, and vascular problems such as spider veins and bruising
Lumicell Wave 6 offers a combined approach to targetting cellulite-related problems it is though t to be effective since it penetrates all layers affected by cellulite
it helps by targeting :
-Dimpling of the skin
-Orange peel appearance
-Localized fat deposits
-Heavy legs
-Skin contour irregularities
The combination of energy technologies dramatically targets and reduces localized cellulite deposits, producing more longer results beside following a proper diet and exercising
There are three phases to the treatment:
>The powerful vacuum massage releases lymphatic blockages and stimulates blood flow, while the infrared light warms up the tissue to stimulate fat release.
>The ultrasound treats the deeper fatty layers, working them intensely and encouraging lipolysis (fat depletion)
>The Radio Frequency increases collagen production, tightening and visibly improving the skin's appearance.
Once treatment is completed the skin feels taut and the legs feel lighter. A series of 8 to 10 weekly treatments are recommended to achieve the best results.
Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, It is thought to be a very effective treatment for cellulite and related problems
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