18 years
Sometimes I feel like an artery in my heart is pumping so quickly and it hurts,no stress or fear.what is happening?
Aug 8, 2014
Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are extra, abnormal heartbeats that begin in one of your heart's two lower pumping chambers (ventricles). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a flip-flop or skipped beat in your chest. Premature ventricular contractions are very common — they occur in most people at some point.
Smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine, or taking other stimulants such as diet pills or cough and cold medicines may cause your heart to beat faster or skip a beat. Your heart rate or rhythm can change when you are under stress or having pain. Your heart may beat faster when you have an illness or a fever. Hard physical exercise usually increases your heart rate, which can sometimes cause changes in your heart rhythm.
If you have occasional premature ventricular contractions, but you're an otherwise healthy person, there's generally no reason for concern, and no treatment is needed. If you have frequent premature ventricular contractions or underlying heart disease, you may need treatment to help you feel better and treat underlying heart problems
now the seriousness of your condition depends on other symptoms and for how long you have them .
the pain how is felt ,do you feel breathlessness or chest tightness ,if yes and this happen frequently you must be evaluated
This is a bounding pulse and it's actually your entire heart (not just an artery) that you're feeling pounding against your chest. Anxiety, stress, hot weather and dehydration, anemia, thyroid disease, fever, pregnancy, and less likely heart disease (especially if there's a positive family history of heart disease at a young age) and kidney disease may explain it. You need to get a routine check up (physical examination to listen to your heart), an electrocardiogram to look at the rate and rhythm of the heart to make sure if there's any irregular beats (extra or premature beats), complete blood count to check for anemia, thyroid function tests. Any further tests will be decided according to the preliminary results.
it it happens sometimes a seems that you have probably extra systole you have to get an ekg cbc t4 to give the adequate treatment