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My two years old son is a bit overweight. Should he follow a special diet?
Mar 12, 2013

Dr. Judy Matta Pediatrics
Don't get too worried if your child is a little chubby at this age, but do talk with his pediatrician about your concerns. She can help you determine whether your child's weight is a problem that you should start addressing now. Usually we never recommend restrictive diets or weight loss programs for children because it can be harmful to a child's health and interfere with his growth and development. In most cases, the goal is to maintain the child's weight with a healthy diet so that as he grows his weight will be more proportional to his height. Give your child a well balanced diet of three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day, in addition to servings of whole grains, milk, and meat. Of course, you'll want to limit sweets and other high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and consuming excessive amounts of juice.