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31 years
My sun suffers tantrums after I got divorced with his mother and especially at the switch time. So what am I supposed to do when he loses temper about going to his mother's place?
May 1, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
“tantrum” simply is a “fit of bad temper” or “outbursts”. Honestly, Tantrums are normal and are a fact of toddler’s life, that’s virtually universal among the kids of this age, for some beginning as early as the end of first year, peaking for some in the second year and continuing in many kids beyond age four.
Divorce or Separate parents is one factor that can lead to more-frequent-than-average tantrums since the custodial parent may be overwhelmed by solo child-care chores and have little time for the toddler. In such cases the frustrated child may learn to use tantrums to control parents.
these are some tips to head off your kid tantrums:
-Make sure you give your child enough opportunity to let off steam. Encourage your child to express anger or frustration verbally or to release them in more acceptable ways.i mean let him express what he feel or ask him to.
-setting a routine for your kid is must,tell him you will take him at this time and we will wait ,and you can increase the times he go to his mother for the child benefit and to let your child not struggle on that.
-don’t let your child go for long stretches without food.Carry nutritious snacks whenever you go out and don’t wait until behaviour gets out of hand
-Reduce the need to say ‘no’. A parent’s negativity is often the trigger for a child’s tantrums.
-When possible say ‘yes’. Instead of issuing an automatic ‘no’ to your toddler every time you your toddler asks for something and that make the kid trust your no then.
-Provide choices when possible,get his attention on another thing
-Stick to your principles when a tantrum occurs. If you give into a tantrum you’re only reinforcing your toddler’s trick and setting stage for next tantrum.
-Stay Calm.
-Speak Softly
-Don’t try to reason or argue with your toddler during a tantrum.
-Express Empathy like "‘I know it’s hard when you don’t get what you want. Sometimes I get angry when I can’t get what I want"
-hold your son tightly
-Ignore the tantrum