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3 years
My son has a murmur heart beat what's that .and its dangerous ,plz tell me some advice,thx
Jun 5, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Heart murmurs, or abnormal heart sounds that are picked up while listening to the heart with a stethoscope, are numerous and can result from a number of different malformations in the heart, mainly openings in the heart that did not close properly while the heart was forming in the womb. Some murmurs are also called innocent murmurs as they are not due to any abnormal parts in the heart, and have no consequences on the health of the affected child. Innocent murmurs are usually associated with conditions such as anemia.
In general, the characteristics of the sound of the murmur give a clue as to where the heart defect may be located. But the gold standard test to know for sure is an echocardiogram, or cardiac ultrasound.
The location and size of the heart defect help determine the severity of the disease.
I strongly recommend that you have your son seen by a pediatric cardiologist for an echocardiogram and further evaluation.