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My period are very irregular and if my periods come , it just may disappear the next! or it never comes for a month and sometimes it comes really profusely and stays for 3 weeks or more!
Apr 7, 2013

Dr. Karim Nawfal Obstetrics & Gynecology
You need to have an evaluation and examination, an ultrasound and some blood tests have to be done and only then the a cause and treatment can be determined
Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
The main cause of irregular period is an estrogen and/or progesterone imbalance (hormones which regulate the menstrual cycle),anything affact this will lead to irregularity of menses , this branch many causes arise :
Polycystic ovarian syndrome: it manifests in irregular periods ,acne ,weight gain ,hair in abnormal places of the body like face and other .
-Thyroid problem ,either hypothyroid or hyperthyroid problems causes irregular menses
-Puberty or menopause
-Extreme weight loss. Low body weight is a common cause of irregular or missed periods.
-Extreme weight gain. Obesity may sometimes cause menstrual problems.
-Emotional stress
-Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia can lead to hormone imbalances, resulting in irregular or missed periods.
-Endurance exercises
- other diseases in the body
so you need a full investigation of your condition through your gynecologist when knowing the cause treatment is held