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My MRI showed cerv disc c6 7 pinching slightly the nerve. but according to doc, my upper back muscle spasms are not related to that. i was prescribed 2months cataflam. is it safe to take it that long?
Mar 9, 2013

Dr. Youssef Bassim Orthopedic Surgery
First, it is very important to diagnose your problem properly. Presentation of radicular pain from C6/7 causes weakness in the muscles in the back of the upper arm and extending to the forearm and in the extensor muscles of the fingers ( muscles that lift fingers up). Cataflam is an anti inflammatory drug and it might cause stomach pain and an increase in blood pressure. So if you don't have any history of ulcer or high blood pressure, it is advised to take treatment for 2 weeks initially then consult your doctor for reassessment of your condition. Also it is better to take protection for your stomach and monitor your blood pressure during the course of treatment. you can suggest to your physician to take muscle relaxant in addition to cataflam.