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20 years
My baby (1month) is very gassy, she farts a lot with pain and she's passing stools once in big amounts. I think she's constipated. She is both breastfed and formula fed at night, I use humana comfort.
Oct 28, 2014

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Flatulence is a common occurrence, and it is the result of gas which is a natural byproduct formed after digestion of breast milk which contains lactose. It is particularly common in infants up to age 3 months. This condition, referred to as 3-month colic, is caused by immature nervous control of the gut, which permits gas to become trapped in bowel loops. While sucking milk little amount of air is also gulped/swallowed, this also contributes for flatulence in infants. Food eaten by the nursing mother also may be a cause for flatulence in infants. Therefore gas producing foods like legumes, cheese, milk, butter, and yogurt should be avoided by a lactating mother.
Measures to minimize excess gas in your baby include proper breastfeeding (please refer to instructions given in previous answers to your questions) and burping after each feed, anti colic medications (we've discussed these many times before), tummy rubbing/massage, and yourself avoiding the food items that may produce flatulence.
You may also want to try a different milk formula, such as Novalac AC or a hypo-allergenic formula (HA).