Your husband might be complaining depending on the sight of pain and pain description of a lumbar strain or a muscle strain in the lower back beside the flanks (waist).Note that the kind of the pain he is suffering will tell about the cause if it is continuous or intermittent the location ,the duration of pain ,how long has been ,is it only when he rest he feels the pain ,or when working too ,....other symptoms will tell about the possible diagnose ,direct cold can harm a warm muscle and cause a strain but it will be an acute pain and not persistent for everyday ,the origin of this pain might be muscular,nerve compression ,bone ,....but from what you mentioned it probably might be a muscle strain from excessive standing or working
A lumbar strain is a stretch injury to the ligaments, tendons, and/or muscles of the low back.
The stretching incident results in microscopic tears of varying degrees in these tissues. Lumbar strain is considered one of the most common causes of low back pain.
The injury can occur because of overuse, improper use, or trauma.
Soft-tissue injury is commonly classified as "acute" if it has been present for days to weeks. If the strain lasts longer than three months, it is referred to as "chronic."
The condition is characterized by localized discomfort in the low back area with onset after an event that mechanically stressed the lumbar tissues.(in your husband case the long time standing or working in the mall,...)
The severity of the injury ranges from mild to severe, depending on the degree of strain and resulting spasm of the muscles of the low back.
The diagnosis of lumbar strain is based on the history of injury, the location of the pain, and exclusion of nervous system injury. Usually, X-ray testing is only helpful to exclude bone abnormalities.
The treatment of lumbar strain consists of resting the back (to avoid reinjury), medications to relieve pain and muscle spasm, local heat applications, massage, and eventual (after the acute episode resolves) reconditioning exercises to strengthen the low back and abdominal muscles.
Initial treatment at home might include heat application, acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and avoiding reinjury and heavy lifting.
Long periods of inactivity in bed are no longer recommended, as this treatment may actually slow recovery. Spinal manipulation for periods of up to one month has been found to be helpful in some patients who do not have signs of nerve irritation. Future injury is avoided by using back-protection techniques during activities and support devices as needed at home or work.
if the pain persists for many days or if it is disturbing ,check with the doctor to do physical examinations and images to exclude other causes .
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