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My five years old son is wetting his bed during his sleep. What should I do?
Mar 12, 2013

Dr. Judy Matta Pediatrics
After your child is toilet trained (usually between ages 2 and 4), it is not uncommon for children to wet sometimes the bed at night. Some children continue to wet at night past the age of 5. When wetting occurs only during sleep, it is called nocturnal (nighttime) enuresis, or bed-wetting. Reasons for bed-wetting may be related to the time it takes different children to develop control over the nervous, muscular, and nighttime full bladder sensation that needs to be subconsciously suppressed. If your child wets at night,some possible causes are:
• Slow development to awaken when the bladder is full
• Constipation, which can cause extra pressure on the bladder from the rectum
• An early sign of diabetes mellitus, a urinary tract infection, or unusual stress—but only if wetting began suddenly after an extended dry period,

If the problem persists and becomes more frequent consult your doctor. Your doctor may order tests to look for infections or structural problems such as urine exam, abdominal Xray to check for constipation and arenal ultrasound. If an underlying problem in the urinary tract is suspected, your child may be referred to a specialist.
Bed-wetting is rarely an intentional act. Children are usually upset and ashamed when it happens. Do not punish the child and do not let siblings tease the child who wets the bed. Avoid giving the child anything to drink after 6:00-7:00 in the evening.and have your child go to the bathroom before going to bed.
Medication is rarely given and it is decided by your child's pediatrician after fully assessing the situation.
Dr. Ivana Dabaj Pediatric Neurology
Frequent voiding schedules are encouraged: the child should be encouraged to void upon awakening, before leaving home or school for any reason, and approximately every 1.5-2 hours, and always before bed.
Also you should encourage your child to void regularly at school (2-3 times per day at school). Children should not be expected to wait for scheduled breaks to void. With voiding, the child should relax to completely empty the bladder.
Children should drink a lot during the day and to maintain optimal hydration and avoid drinking before going to bed.
Take the child to the bathroom to void prior to bedtime
If you don’t obtain dryness after 3 months, then either alarm or pharmacologic therapy should be considered.
Dr. Salim Saab Otolaryngology (ENT)
child must stop drinking before going to bed he can drink alot in the day we have to do acomplete urinary work up atest for diabetes avoid constipation and if it doesnt work give tofranilor elavil tous ljs soirs