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20 years
My baby is 1 week old and i am breastfeeding her but she doesnt burp alot ....why and how can i help her burpp and is it wrong is she does nt burp
Oct 8, 2014

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Not to worry about that; as long as your baby is feeding happily and comfortably and doesn't seem cranky, there shouldn't be any problem.

The basic step in burping your baby is repeated gentle patting on her back — pounding hard is not necessary, while keeping a towel under your baby's chin or on your shoulder.

You could with different positions for burping that are comfortable for you and your baby. The three most commonly used methods are:
1- Sit upright and hold your baby against your chest. Your baby's chin should rest on your shoulder while you support the baby at the level of her lower back with one hand. With the other hand, gently pat your baby's back. Sitting in a rocking chair and gently rocking while you do this may be helpful.
2- Hold your baby sitting up, in your lap or across your knee. Support your baby's chest and head with one hand by cradling your baby's chin in the palm of your hand and resting the heel of your hand on your baby's chest (but make sure not to grip your baby's throat, it's the chin you should be supporting). With the other hand, pat your baby's back gently.
3- Lay your baby on your lap on her tummy. Make sure your baby's head is well supported and is higher than her chest. Gently pat your baby's back.

If your baby seems irritable while feeding, stop the feeding to burp her, and then resume feeding. Try burping your baby each time you switch breasts if you breastfeed, or after 60-90 mL of bottle milk if you do use it at some point.