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28 years
Mon bebe de 4 mois a eut un malaise au ventre depuis 3 semaines le pediatre a recommande d utiliser biogaia. pour combien de temps il faut continuer a l utiliser?(5gouttes le matin et 5 gouttes soir)
Apr 20, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
You may continue to give your baby Biogaia as long as he is having these episodes of abdominal pain or discomfort. Biogaia is a natural product, made of probiotics, which are extracts of the naturally occurring bacteria in the gut (also known as normal flora or commensal bacteria). These bacteria are actually needed for the production of vitamin K and the normal functioning of the gut. It has been shown to introduce some improvement in cases of infantile colics and has some immune system boosting properties. It is a safe product to use even on the long term. In any case, please discuss the duration of supplementation with biogaia with the pediatrician of your baby.