68 years
Je souffre apparemment d'une Aspermie ....est ce grave? est ce que l'Aspermie est une alerte d'un cancer quelconque? peut on guérir l'Aspermie ? et quel est le traitement à suivre ?
Apr 5, 2015
As you are not so young, your condition is most probably not primary (you had previous ejaculations).
Mos commonly, secondary aspermia is caused by some types of drug intake.
It might be also due to neurologic conditions, endocrinopathies or some types of surgeries.
Finally, this condition might be due a "retrograde ejaculation". In this case, the ejaculation exists but goes into the bladder. This is also due to medication, surgeries (mainly prostatic surgeries), neurologic conditions, diabetes ...
As you can notice, the list is too long and you won't be able to diagnose your condition on your own. And the best treatment of this condition is the treatment of the cause.