26 years
I've been having left back pain since about 4 years. Pain is somewhat near the spine.. I asume it's colon gases pushing some left organ... but im on diet from about 7 month.. no redness or any other..
Aug 3, 2014
The lower back contains a number of structures that, if diseased, may result in pain. Pain could be Musculoskeletal (Tendons, muscles, spinal discs & vertebrae) +/- neuropathic (nerve compression) , or visceral (from intestines or kidney).
In your age group, the most common causes include:
1-back muscle or ligament strain: Severe or aching pain in the lower back after activity, sudden movement or lifting a heavy object cause the muscle or ligament to stretch or get torn. It can cause pain severe enough to prevent walking, standing or difficulty moving. Pain does not radiate down to the leg.This is acute; if left untreated (anti-inflammatory drugs) may result in chronic inflammation and unresolving pain.
-Low back pain that travels to the buttock, leg and foot (sciatica): ongoing pain that may be worse in the leg and foot than in the lower back; usually felt on one side the buttock or leg only; gets worse after long periods of standing still or sitting, slightly relieved when walking; may involve weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot. It's due to nerve root compression. In younger adults, sciatica can be caused by a wide range of conditions, most commonly a lumbar herniated disc, less commonly degenerative disc disease, due to break down of vertebral body.
Intestinal causes are more associated with symptoms like boating, constipation and doesn't produce chronic constant pain.
To know the exact cause, you need to be examined by a physician and get an MRI.
In your age group, the most common causes include:
1-back muscle or ligament strain: Severe or aching pain in the lower back after activity, sudden movement or lifting a heavy object cause the muscle or ligament to stretch or get torn. It can cause pain severe enough to prevent walking, standing or difficulty moving. Pain does not radiate down to the leg.This is acute; if left untreated (anti-inflammatory drugs) may result in chronic inflammation and unresolving pain.
-Low back pain that travels to the buttock, leg and foot (sciatica): ongoing pain that may be worse in the leg and foot than in the lower back; usually felt on one side the buttock or leg only; gets worse after long periods of standing still or sitting, slightly relieved when walking; may involve weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot. It's due to nerve root compression. In younger adults, sciatica can be caused by a wide range of conditions, most commonly a lumbar herniated disc, less commonly degenerative disc disease, due to break down of vertebral body.
Intestinal causes are more associated with symptoms like boating, constipation and doesn't produce chronic constant pain.
To know the exact cause, you need to be examined by a physician and get an MRI.