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20 years
It's been 3 days with insomnia what can i do? And what would it be the problem? I tried some pils for the insomnia but no results
Jul 17, 2014

Dr. Salim Saab Otolaryngology (ENT)
you have to use real sleeping pill for few days to adjust your sleeping cycle
Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
The key for your answer is yourself ,figure what changes in the three days that passed and you suffer from insomnia .
Better than to take pills is to figure what happens in these 3 days ,like change in sleep habits ,newly medication prescription ,infection ,prolonged naps ,acute medical condition ,high intake of caffeine products such as coffee,nescafe ,soda,vitamine supplements before sleep ,orange juice,stress ,anxiety , depression ,change in work schedule,change in your bedroom ,newly used perfumes or odors,eating too much at night ,....
Try to figure the cause and eliminate it
- stop a newly medicine that you take or read the leaflet if it affects sleep
-stop caffeine drinks after 6 oclock
-don't eat huge meals before sleep
-arrange your room for sleep (make it calm ,no noise or tv)
Lastly ,if nothing worked ,then check with a doctor for further blood tests if there is a medical condition interfering in your normal sleep such as thyroid problem ,GERD ,...