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22 years
Is there a way to get rid of facial pigmentation previously caused by acne?
Jul 1, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
The color of your skin can change after acne heals, which can leave behind dark spots long after the lesion has healed. Hyperpigmentation due to acne is also called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Although many people confuse this condition with acne scarring, these dark spots are not a type of scar. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often resolves after a long period of time without the need for treatment.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that lingers as a result of acne lesions occurs when excess melanin, the pigment that produces your skin's natural color, collects in one area of your skin--a process common to all types of hyperpigmentation,no one with acne can experience post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
However, those with darker skin tones are more likely to experience more problematic post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
if you have hyperpigmentation due to acne, exercise smart sun protection whenever you go outdoors It is advised to apply a broad spectrum sunblock with a sun protection factor of at least 30 about 20 minutes before you go outside, regardless if you have dark brown or black skin. If you still get acne, look for a sunscreen that's oil-free. The product packaging might also specify that the product is "non-comedogenic" or that it won't block or clog your pores.
While post-acne hyperpigmentation will fade on its own, you can eliminate it faster by using a few specific skin care tips:
-Step 1
Clear up your acne. Use a gentle cleanser on your skin each morning and night and apply over-the-counter creams to dry up your blemishes
-Step 2
Exfoliate your skin with a toner each day. Use an alcohol-free formula to remove dead skin cells and to help reveal the healthier, fresher skin underneath without drying out your face. The faster dead skin cells slough off, the faster hyperpigmentation will fade.
-Step 3
The use of alpha-hydroxy acid chemical for peeling
-Step 4
-use of oil free moisturizer every day. Apply it each morning and night after cleansing to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking and to aid in proper skin cell replenishment, which is key for fading inflammation caused by previous acne breakouts.
-Step 5
See a dermatologist. If natural and over-the-counter remedies are not clearing up your hyperpigmentation, a dermatologist may be able to prescribe stronger creams or recommend another treatment, such as laser surgery, to correct the problem.
As a conclusion ,over the counter bleaching creams to fade post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are available, but these should be used with caution.
Treatment for hyperpigmentation due to acne may include a prescription cream that contains twice the amount of hydroquinone than found in drugstore products. Sometimes this medication is used in conjunction with a topical tretinoin and cortisone cream. The treatment can be a timely process, taking 3 to 6 months to complete, and may cause irritation to those with sensitive skin. Other medical procedures used to treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation include a series of light chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Laser treatments can also be used, but notes that these are used on people with darker skin tones only when other methods fail.
Contact your doctor before taking any treatement .