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24 years
Is HairBurst ( a safe pill to use for hair growth and strength?
Aug 24, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
The composition of hair burst is vitamin supplements .
Vitamins that play this role are zinc, vitamin B complex, folate, iron,calcium,vitamin D and E play a role too ,some injections used for this purpose contain biotin may help.
however ,hair burst contain them all

They are known to nourish skin and hair ,they can help i hair loss BUT you must know that if the cause of hair loss is still present then multivitamins or HAIR BURST will don't do that much unless the hair loss is because lack of vitamins or bad diet and nutrition .

So the key for treating the cause is knowing the cause and treating it ,so hair-loss prevention involves several factors depending on the underlying cause.

There are several causes of hair loss such as unbalanced diet ,medical conditions ,stress ,anxiety,certain medications,weather,infection ,trauma,..... all these factors when treated ,hair will regrow again .

iF no underlying cause then it might be hereditary ,you can visit a dermatologist ,there are medicine used to treat hair loss .