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34 years
Im taking care of oldwman and shes taking much medicine and everynight I wash her artifacial teeth is it good for me or I can catch sickness for her..what should ido to avoid it its part of my job
Jul 11, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
. “Standard precautions” are a set of basic steps that a person caring for a patient must follow to protect their patients and themselves from infection. These basic steps include, but are not limited to:
1) Practicing appropriate hand hygiene before and after contact with a patient, after contact with the
surfaces or objects around the patient, and after removing gloves (if used).
2) Wearing disposable gloves when the care provider may have contact with blood, feces, urine, or
any other body fluids.
3) Wearing a gown to prevent contamination of the provider’s clothing with blood or body fluids.
4) Using a face mask, face shield, and/or goggles if splashing of blood or body fluids might occur.
5) Cleaning of care equipment between patients.