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23 years
Im Dreaming of people that I DONT KNOW !! why is that ?
Jun 7, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
You probably did see them at some point in real life but have no recollection, but your subconscious mind remembers everything. For example, do you remember every person you laid eyes on that one time two years ago when you were at the the mall or in the street ,Of course not, but it is there in your brain.How many people you see when you walk in the street or the university ,many many people ,it takes 3 sec or a 2 blinks for the brain to store their images ,they may be there even if you don't remember anyone of them but are in your subconscious,and since your dream is a part of your subconscious then images are taken from there. Also they may could have been a composite of different people you've seen or met. Also you brain does have the ability to completely make up any imagery in dreams. She could just have been something manifested originally by you.