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35 years
If my husband sister has bipolar & mind problem ,does my kid who has 3years will be affected from her & whats the maximum time my kid has to see her to not be affected
Mar 10, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
Bipolar disorder is a hereditary mood disorder that can cause both depression and a condition called mania. Mania can be an elated state of extreme joy or a violent raging anger that takes over. Mania can cause the affected person to require less sleep, and can even prevent a person from seeking treatment if the mania is pleasing. Mania can also cause the affected person to make rash financial decisions, go on shopping sprees, to be sexually promiscuous, or even commit crimes just for the thrill.
Children have a lot of questions when someone in their family is sick. When children don’t have answers to their questions, they tend to come up with their own
Since your husband sister is not at the same house ,then no worry of her visit ,no time to make an influence on her ,beside the condition is not contiguous .