When we notice painless bleeding from the rectum, we think hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, are enlarged and swollen veins in or around the lower rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids are a common finding in many individuals, not just in pregnant women, but they are common during that period. When you're pregnant, they occur because hormones make your veins relax (dilate).
Itching, ache or soreness are associated with hemorrhoids. Sometimes, a small lump is felt protruding from or around the anus. They may also bleed a little and can make going to the toilet uncomfortable or painful. Hemorrhoids can also be internal (inside the rectum) and cause painless bleeding with defecation. You may also notice pain when passing a bowel movement and at times a discharge of mucus afterwards. Sometimes you may feel as though your bowels are still full and need emptying.
Hemorrhoids most often appear during the third trimester.
Constipation, in addition to the increased pressure on the rectum and perineum is the primary reason that women pregnant experience these. Prolonged standing may also be a factor contributing to hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids usually improve after delivery. Meanwhile, there are a number of practical measures you can do to treat hemorrhoids:
• Place baking soda (wet or dry) on the area to reduce itching
• Take a warm bath with baking soda or iodine solution in the water (so called Sitz bath)
• Avoid sitting for long periods
• If your hemorrhoids are external and visible, you may use special creams – but consult your obstetrician 1st as these creams usually contain steroids to reduce the inflammation.
To prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy, the best thing to do is to avoid getting constipated. If you are constipated, avoid straining during bowel movements.
Try the following to prevent constipation:
• Eat a high fiber diet
• Drink plenty of fluids
• Drink prune juice
• Do not delay going to the bathroom
• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
• Avoid standing for long periods
• Exercise regularly (not strenuous exercise though) to improve your circulation
• After passing a stool, wipe with moist toilet paper instead of dry toilet paper
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