24 years
I usually go to gym but I stopped since feb 2014..I used to do weight lifting. today is my first day gym , how should I start? Directly weight lifting or I start by cardio work outs?
Aug 4, 2014
Muscle building is divided into five stages: Sedentary; Light; Moderate; High; Genetic Limit (which is the maximum you can lift as dictated by your genes).
After having reached one of the above levels then stopping for a while, once you decide to resume workout, you will build up muscle mass that you have previously gained in the past at a much faster rate.
Here is a routine, made up of 3 stages, each 4 weeks long, that you can follow:
• The first stage focuses getting your body back into shape. It comprises easier exercises repeated many times so as to increase muscle size by taking advantage of muscle memory.
• The second stage escalates to slightly harder exercises at moderate repetitions. Compound exercises such as pull-ups and dips, in order to enhance muscle strength in prepapration for more advanced exercises.
• The third &final stage consists of the more advanced exercises (strength training exercise), like weighted pull-ups and dips, not repeated a lot in order to be able to lift high weight, which is optimal for strength gains.
Important tips:
1. While on this routine, one should use the maximum weight possible (WITHOUT injuring yourself!) for the indicated rep ranges.
2. Rest between sets for 90 seconds, and 3 minutes between exercises (a total of one hour per day)
3. Each exercise should be done with proper form coming before added weight.
Here is a 12-week routine, 3 days a week:
Weeks 1-4 (12-15 reps):
-Day 1 (Back and shoulders): Back cable pull-downs &cable rows; Shoulders Front Dumbbell Raises Side Lateral Raises Bent Over Rear Delt Row.
-Day 2 (triceps &Legs): Triceps Close-Grip Bench &Tricep Extensions; Legs Barbell Squats, Dumbbell Calf Raises, Lying Leg Curls
-Day 3 (biceps, traps and chest): Biceps EZ-Bar, Preacher Curls, Hammer Curls ; Traps barbell shrugs, chest Incline Bench Press &Dumbbell Flies
Weeks 5-8 (8-10 reps):
-Day 1: Back pull-ups &barbell rows; shoulders Seated Dumbbell Press, Side Lateral Raises, Cable Seated Rear Lateral Raises
-Day 2: Triceps Bench Dips, Triceps Push-downs; Legs Barbell Lunges, Barbell Calf Raises, Standing Leg Curl;
-Day 3: Biceps Chin-ups &Concentration Curls; Traps Close grip barbell shrugs; Chest Dips &Dumbbell Flies
Weeks 9-12 (4-6 reps, 3 sets for every exercise):
Day 1: Back Weighted Pull-ups &Bent Over Dumbbell Rows ; Shoulders Barbell Military Press, Side Lateral Raises, Bent Over Rear Delt Row
Day 2: Triceps Triceps Dips, Lying Triceps Extensions ; Legs Barbell Squats, Dumbbell Calf Raises, Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Day 3: Biceps Barbell Curls, Hammer Curls ; Traps dumbbell shrugs; Chest weighted dips and dumbbell flies
Remember to eat right you need a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. A good percentage would be sticking to 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fats.