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32 years
I switched my baby (11 months) formula from Nursie 2 to Nursie 3 but his poo consistency is more watery. Is it because of milk formula or just because he's teething? Thanks in advance.
Jul 12, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Dental eruption (teething) in and by itself does not produce actual illness; the diarrhea may be due to a transient viral infection which could be associated with a slightly weakened immune system due to teething (and this is perfectly normal), or because of intolerance of the ingredients in the newly used milk formula.
I advise you to, in case the stool consistency does not become less watery within a few days:
1- Perform a stool analysis, culture, and Rotavirus antigen just to make sure that there is no actual infection, though I doubt it will be positive, but it is appropriate to do it at that stage
2- Go back to using Nursie 2 for a while, then gradually introduce Nursie 3. So for example, give 1 out of 4 bottle of milk of Nursie 3, the rest of Nursie 2, and increase the number of bottles of Nursie 3 if your child tolerates it (meaning, no loose or watery stools).
