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27 years
I noticed that my 6 months old son has 1 rosy cheek, the other cheek is not rosy. What can the reason be? Shall I be worried?
May 4, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
if there is no other accompanied symptom other than his rosy cheek like rash for example if the rosy cheek is sometimes same as the other cheek and other times rosy ,especially when wake up then then it is quiet normal some capillaries might be present more in the other cheek making them rosy more than the others especially when hot or wake up
other causes could be if he sleep on that side of cheek or he towel or rub or any perfum that make allergy reaction ,this cheek or if you used to love to hold tightly his cheek more often when you are loving him especially if he has big attractive cheeks and people use to kiss and hold his cheek tightly.
if the red cheek is all the time present then there may be nevus on the cheek or a broken capillary if the onset is recently seen
you can apply a moisturizer like baby cream or vaseline if he had no allergy to it to warm up
it is quiet normal ,but if you notice as or sweating in that side or any other symptom other than cheek contact your doctor