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24 years
I heard of a laser treatment for cellulite that makes them disappear. The laser treatment is 30 minutes long and is painful. Does it really work or is it just another rumor?
Jul 11, 2013

Dr. Michel Moutran Plastic Surgery
Let's start with the cause of cellulite. It is mainly skin dimples that are due to fat hernias under the skin that is tightened with septa that are rigid. Bethween these septa that are like rigid separations, you have the fat that bulges on the skin giving the dimple effect.
To improve the cellulite also called orange peel, loosing weight will reduce the fat in the small compartments, hence improving its aspect.
Liposuction specially done superficially can significally improve it aspect without making it disappear.
There are some new studies showing that with a special laser fibre introduced under the skin to cut the septas or the rigid separations between the fat compartments, we get an improvement in cellulite aspect. The results are never a 100%. There is an improvement and that improvement is more significant when cellulite is not very severe, when the skin is tones and of good quality and when there is no important excess in weight