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29 years
I have blue spots that come and go on my legs and thighs. I notice in winter times it increases. Should i be concerned?
Jan 25, 2016

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Have you ever had a complete blood count (CBC) test? If not, it would be a good idea to run this test and look at your platelet count. Platelets are cell-like structures that are responsible for blood clotting when you sustain an injury such as a wound or cut. A decreased platelet count may lead to the appearance of bruises of different sizes without sustaining direct trauma or injury. If they platelet count is normal, then maybe the platelet function is affected. You may think about your own medical history: if you ever cut yourself, does it take a long time for the bleeding to stop? After a dental procedure, do you bleed more than other people? If you have had a surgery before, did your doctor mention that he had a  hard time to control the bleeding during the operation? You may also ask your family members about bleeding problems.
In any case, the best thing to do is to have a doctor examine those spots and do the necessary workup. 