Phlegm is the thick fluid secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. It usually contains mucus, along with debris, bacteria or virus, and inflammatory cells that are produced by the body in response to an infection. The mucous membrane produces mucus to keep the nasal passages moist and humidify the air we breathe in.
Mucus helps trap foreign particles and thereby prevents their entry into the respiratory system. When the mucous membrane gets irritated, it produces more mucus than usual, in order to flush out the substances responsible for causing irritation. As a result, the mucus becomes thicker. The color of phlegm can be transparent, pale or dark yellow, green, or brown in color. Excessive phlegm of yellow or green color can be an indicator of certain health conditions.
Do you have any other symptoms other than the phlegm felt what is the color ,do you have cough,heartburn ,sinusitis ,allergy ,infection ,tonsilitis ,....many causes might be depending on other symptoms .smoking in adults, are postnasal drip, asthma, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease may be other factors .
if you have sinusitis or tonsilits you might have draining of the mucus production downwards especially when sleeping and this cause chronic phlegm felt .
People with 'chronic throat clearing' do it all day, up to several times an hour, and have been doing so for at least 3 months. Chronic throat clearing is simply the clearing out of mucous, or perceived mucous, from one's throat.
The most likely cause in your case may be a nasal drip accumulation ,GERD ,reflux where is stomach acid splashing up causing up recurrent dry cough and lots of mucus drained in your biginning of your throat .
you may have these symptoms :
Heartburn (but may have no gastro-intestinal symptoms).
you may cough at night due to stomach acid splash into the esophagus
Cough when eating/talking.
Sour taste.
if this is the condition you may check with your doctor to take some medications depending on the diagnose
other causes of your symptoms might be an allergy it depend on irritant exposure if every time you develop this cough is due to exposure of a certain irritant then the cause will be allergy ,avoid irritants and you can take antihistamine medicines and check with doctor for further investigations
tips include :
Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water daily
-Drink lemon juice and honey mixed in a cup of lukewarm water
-Inhale steam or take a hot shower
-Gargle and rinse the throat with saline water
-Consume hot liquids like chicken stock, soups, and herbal tea
-Avoid smoking and pollutants
-Consume spicy food such as chillies, bell peppers, and horseradish to get rid of the phlegm
if nothing helped then it is necessary to check with your doctor for further investigations and proper diagnose and treatments.
Many causes means many options of treatments best held through a proper diagnose .
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