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I have a 6 months old baby and I'm worried about the measles epidemic everyone is talking about these days... What can I do to protect my baby????
Mar 17, 2013

Dr. Judy Matta Pediatrics
Measles is caused by the rubeola virus. When someone who has the virus sneezes or coughs, tiny droplets containing the virus spray into the air. The droplets stay active for two hours in the air or on a surface. If your baby comes into contact with these droplets he can become infected. Your baby is 6 months old and hasn’t taken the MMR vaccine yet,so he has a 90 percent chance of getting the virus if he's exposed to it. So, all what you can do is keep your child away from children or adults who are at risk of being exposed to the virus and from adults or children that have the measles.
Dr. Dina Helou Pediatrics
Measles is a respiratory infection caused by a virus. It is spread out through respiration and is highly contagious.
The only way to protect your child is through vaccination.
Usually the first dose of measles vaccine is given by 9 months of age, but during an outbreak of measles, it can be done as soon as 6 months of age.
I strongly advise you to talk to your pediatrician and ask if a dose of vaccine is indicated.