I had endometriosis that's why am taking now gonapeptyl so that I won't have my periods..I did the first gonapeptyl on 24/7 and the 2nd should be on 21/8.but I had my periods I took primolute to stop.
Endometriosis is the growth of tissue that is similar to the linings of the endometrium (the inner surface of the uterus) outside the uterus. This tissue gets engorged with blood every month and bleeds into the abdomen. When the disease is extensive (reaching up to the ovaries and in between the intestines), not all of this extra tissue is removed during laparoscopy, some is left. This remaining tissue may bleed, and so it has to be suppressed. Gonapeptyl (triptorelin) is a compound that belongs to a class of drugs known as GnRH analogs. To better understand how it works, I'll try to illustrate the involved body structures in a simplified manner. GNRH is a hormone secreted in a pulsatile fashion by the hypothalamus in the brain and acts on a small pine shaped gland, the pituitary gland, located beneath the brain.This ggland will in turn secrete two other hormones, LH and FSH. These hormones act on the ovaries and induce them to produce the two main female hormones, estrogen and progesterone which ttrigger the menstrual cycle. If we give GnRH from outside the body, the pituitary gland will become desensitized and will no longer secrete LH and FSH. As such, there will be no more estrogen and progesterone production. GnRH virtually stop all ovarian activity. They stop the ovaries working and thus reduce the production of oestrogen. This results in a temporary but reversible state of menopause (not actual menopause).
These drugs are given as an injection once a month for three to six months but may be sometimes used for longer after surgery. If you miss one dose, breakthrough bleeding occurs, which you need oral contraceptive pills like Primolute to stop it. If you didn't miss any dose, then it looks like you most likely still have residual extra tissue that is still bleeding. Please follow up with your gynecologist on this matter - maybe you need a follow up ultrasound to have a better idea about what is happening in the uterus and its adjacent structures.
Because there is an initial hormone surge with this treatment, symptoms of endometriosis and ovarian cyst size may temporarily increase with the first injection of GnRH. Similarly, the first period after the injection may be irregular and painful . These problems usually settle down after the second injection.
however if the bleeding remains everytime despite treatment you must check with your doctor .
Gonapeptyl is not a cure, as the symptoms recur when the treatment is discontinued, although the interval of reappearance of symptoms varies from one person to another.
It is important to remember that the use of Gonapeptyl or Zoladex does not guarantee contraception.
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