30 years
I had a miscarriage in March, tried again after 2 months but no luck. should I be worried or it's normal that that it takes time?
Jun 27, 2013
FIRST note that the chances of getting pregnant after a miscarriage will greatly depend upon the reasons for the miscarriage in the first place. The chances of getting pregnant after miscarriage are often the same as they are before miscarriage. Women, who try for a second pregnancy, tend to be successful 95% of the time. Women with two or more miscarriages have a success rate of 75% on subsequent tries. Health, illnesses, disease processes and other contributing factors will affect chances of getting pregnant, more than a miscarriage. However, it is important to note that some women are more likely to have miscarriages for unknown reasons. Testing does not always determine a cause for miscarriages.
The female body is ready to conceive again immediately after a miscarriage. Hormone levels are at their highest, so infertility is reduced and fertility increased. However, for the sake of the female body and reducing the chance of a second miscarriage, many doctors will suggest waiting at least one regular menstrual cycle to increase chances of getting pregnant and maintaining the pregnancy. Other doctors will suggest waiting up to six months to increase chances of getting pregnant without complications.
Chances of getting pregnant after a miscarriage are good, in general. Eating a healthy menu rich in folic acid before attempting a second pregnancy is one of the most important factor increasing chances of getting pregnant. Some experts believe miscarriages are more likely in women with reduced folic acid levels before becoming pregnant. The fetus requires folic acid during the first weeks of development; before a woman even knows she’s pregnant. Taking a prenatal vitamin after having a miscarriage and through the time between the miscarriage and trying again, can boost folic acid levels.
The female body is ready to conceive again immediately after a miscarriage. Hormone levels are at their highest, so infertility is reduced and fertility increased. However, for the sake of the female body and reducing the chance of a second miscarriage, many doctors will suggest waiting at least one regular menstrual cycle to increase chances of getting pregnant and maintaining the pregnancy. Other doctors will suggest waiting up to six months to increase chances of getting pregnant without complications.
Chances of getting pregnant after a miscarriage are good, in general. Eating a healthy menu rich in folic acid before attempting a second pregnancy is one of the most important factor increasing chances of getting pregnant. Some experts believe miscarriages are more likely in women with reduced folic acid levels before becoming pregnant. The fetus requires folic acid during the first weeks of development; before a woman even knows she’s pregnant. Taking a prenatal vitamin after having a miscarriage and through the time between the miscarriage and trying again, can boost folic acid levels.