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I exercise heavily and drink chocolate milk afterwards based on the advice that protein intake after exercise is important for muscle recovery. Is this sound advice or is there something better?
Feb 8, 2013

Dr. Ivana Dabaj Pediatric Neurology
When you exercise your muscles need proteins that you can provide by many types of food (eggs, chicken, fish, milk...). If your aim is to build muscles, you should take a protein rich diet (but taking a lot of it and decreasing a lot the carbohydrates or the lipids is not healthy...briefly, your brain needs a lot of carbohydrates, your muscles needs the proteins, and your cells needs the lipid to function well). If your aim to stay fit, I advise you to take a diet that is rich in carbohydrate, some proteins and some fat.
If you take a high protein diet you should drink a lot of water in order not to damage your kidneys.