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28 years
I am taking cymbalta 20 mg OD. I am going to Amsterdam nxt week and I am tempted to try weed and Extacy pills. Drugs are bad (I Know!) but would Cymbalta and these drugs be a death cocktail? thanks
Dec 26, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
Most people who take SSRIs(like cymbalta) for a long period of time report a reduced or completely elliminated response to MDMA(extacy pills). This decrease in response to MDMA in people who have taken SSRIs occcurs because SSRIs occupy the same site on the 5HT transporter that MDMA uses. Because an SSRI was there first, MDMA has nowhere to bind on the transporter and cannot be taken up in the pre synaptic serotonin cell. Since all the SSRIs that are used as antidepressants have extremely long durations of action, MDMA simply defuses away out of the synapse without ever having any psychoactive effect.
in a simple way :cymbalta blocks serotonin ,while extacy pills increase serotonin level,one treats depression the other may cause it
So taking any drug or combination of drugs have risks.
you can bypass the effects of an SSRI with MDMA by stopping your meds say for two weeks prior to MDMA ingestion however taking any SRA drug whilst suffering from any type of anxiety or depressive illness is ill advised. You are effectively playing table tennis with your brains neurtransmitters that are already in poor shape.