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20 years
I am suffering from sudden increase in my temp. for no reason .Could it be because of my 3rd molar growing?
Aug 4, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
a wisdom teeth growth may give several symptoms one of these is fever .
Fever and fatigue is due to muscle spam in the jaw resulting from pericoronitis. Biting from the opposite side causes trauma to the overlying gum flap.So wisdom tooth only partially erupted allowing bacteria to invade through and cause infection surrounding the gum resulting in pain, swelling, jaw stiffness and bad breath and mild fever.

>rinse your mouth with a warm salt water mouthwash to prevent infection.
>Chew a sugarless chewing gum on the affected side will help ease pain temporarily.
>Brush after every meal and keep the area clean to prevent bacterial contamination that aggravates the pain.
>If pain is more severe,or your fever is severely high visit the dentist He or she will prescribe antibiotics and pain killers such as acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen. When pain and inflammation becomes unbearable and if pericoronitis recurs, you may need a oral surgery to cut through the gums and remove the underlying impacted wisdom tooth.