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20 years
I always have one nostril closed and the other open , the amount of oxygene i breath is low and i feel it the most when i am close to humidity , my head hurts all the time and concentrating is hard
Aug 22, 2014

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Nasal obstruction (blockage) can be multifactorial: physiological (occurs with change in position and in response to environmental changes like temperature and humidity), allergic (nose and sinus allergies, known as rhinosinusitis), deviated nasal septum, turbinate hypertrophy (enlargement of the bones found on the sides of the nose), atrophic rhinitis (a condition of unknown underlying cause that is characterized by disease of the mucosain the nose with secretions that crust and block the nose), or polyps (small growths iinside the nose, more common in individuals with allergy). These factors can sometimes be made worse with a poorly performed rhinoplasty.
In order to determine which factor or factors is precipitating your symptoms, you need to be evaluated by an ENT specialist.