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21 years
How do I prevent hair under skin?
Jun 23, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
To prevent ingrown hairs, try these tips every time you shave:
-Every day, rub your face in a circular motion using a wet washcloth or an exfoliating scrub to tease out any stubborn ingrown hairs.
-Shave with a sharp, single-bladed razor.
-Wet your skin with warm water before shaving and apply a lubricating gel.
-Shave in the same direction your hair is growing.
-Use as few strokes of the razor as possible. That lessens the chance of a hair slipping back into your skin.
-Rinse the blade with water after every stroke.
-Don't shave too closely to your skin. Leave a little bit of stubble if you can.
-If you're using an electric razor, hold it slightly above the surface of your skin.
-Apply a cool washcloth to your skin after you shave to reduce irritation.
-You can also try other hair removal methods that are less likely to produce ingrown hairs. Those methods include depilatory creams that burn off the hair, and a laser or electric current (electrolysis) to permanently remove the hair follicle.