How deep could be the hymen of a woman?? my finger enters whole though im a virgin never had penetration but someone told me that my finger shouldnt penetrate im lost, could hymen be deep?
The length of the vagina is approximately 7.5 cm across the anterior wall (front), and 9 cm long across the posterior wall (rear), making the posterior fornix deeper than the anterior During sexual arousal, the vagina expands in both length and width.
The hymen is a little bit of tissue that is part of the female genitalia.
then your whole finger will be half the way of a vaginal approximately so ,logically you had lost some of your hymen for sure especially if you used to penetrate your finger frequently .
The hymen is a membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia, and is similar in structure to the vagina.
In children, although a common appearance of the hymen is crescent-shaped, many shapes are possible and are deaper inside than the adults where in puberty the hymen is pushed down due to the development of the vagina .
The vaginal opening and hymen can vary in size
our hymen is at the opening to your vagina, different girls have different hymens and some don't have hymens. You can see your own hymen, if you look at your vulva (external genitals) you can see the hymen around the opening of your vagina, if in tact it will look like a tight ring of flesh around the vaginal opening, if broken it will look like tabs of flesh around the vaginal opening.
Your hymen breaks or stretches with penetration, from sex, masturbation, using internal menstrual products, or some women's hymens don't fully break until they give birth - chances are your hymen will be broken, stretched or partly broken before you ever have sex. The hymen breaking can be painful, but it's just as likely to be pleasurable or go totally unnoticed, the hymen can also sometimes bleed when broken, but everyone is different.
So i think placing your finger inside has let the hymen to pass away but by how much it depends on the process followed ,it may be partially or totally ruptured if in doubt a gynecologist will examin you and told you about .
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