27 years
Hi Drs. i have been 1 year unvergin,but every time on the day 10 after period I had (byr3ani) in my vagina and all in and out..why?
Aug 27, 2014
Vulvitis is not a condition or disease, it is a symptom that results from a number of different causes including
allergies, infections, injuries, and other external irritants. Other vaginal infections such as vaginitis or genital herpes often accompany vulvitis.
SInce your vulvitis is connected every month after your period then you must look for the cause that happened around this time and causes itching
this might be
-keeping the wet pad for long time during priod
-keeping the area wet where fungals or allergy develops
-feminine washes used during or after period
-maybe since in your period usually no intercourse then after the period gone and you have intercourse there is vulvitis that can be then due to an infection
-maybe from douches or soaps or deodoronts spermicide
-allergy to condom used by your partner or tampons
in addiion there may be
-Bacterial or fungal infection.
-uncotton underwears
-The treatment for vulvitis varies according to cause.
Once these factors are considered, several methods of treatment are available including both self-help measures, and prescribed medications.
Low-dose hydrocortisone creams may be prescribed for short periods. Anti-fungal creams like candistan are sometimes helpful for treatment of vulvitis if the cause is fungal
-It's important for women with these symptoms to remember not to scratch as this can lead to further irritation and/or infection. It's best to wash just once a day with warm water only when symptoms of vulvitis are present.
-Stopping the use of any products that may be a contributing factor.
-The vulva should be kept clean, dry, and cool. Always remember to wipe from front to back.
-Calamine lotion.
-Using sterile, non-irritating personal lubricants such as K-Y Jelly during sexual activity to avoid dryness
Therefore things you can do to help prevent vulvitis include wearing white cotton panties, practicing good hygiene, and avoiding vaginal douches. Vaginal sprays and powders should also be avoided, as should tight pants. Unless you're in a long-term monogamous relationship, always use condoms during sexual activities to reduce your risk of vulvitis, STDs, and other vaginal infections.