What you were eating during your pregnancy ,and the program of the good food and bad foods will continue with you during breast feeding ,the baby that was inside your womb is now between your hands but you are still both sharing the same food .
Don't start complaining of excess kilos you gained during pregnancy ,if you breastfeed your baby you will be able to lower your weight more easily and your uterus and body will return to its shape more quickly even though you are eating ,the more you breastfeed the more your baby gain the more you return to shape .
well ,i am not saying you must eat all food and claim this is for the baby ,you must know what you eat and drink to take the benefit you and your baby in an intelligent way ,choosing what you eat as much as you can but in smart way.
>>The key for a well balanced diet during breast feeding is balance and variety ,carbohydrates protein, and fat at meals keeps you feeling full longer and supplies the nutrients your body needs.
>try to eat complex sugars they last longer and thus energy last longer like whole grains ,fresh fruits and vegetables they are also rich in vitamins ,simple sugars count more with rapid digestion and less beneficial
> concerning fat, think mono- and polyunsaturated fats sources of these "healthy fats" include canola oil, olive oil, and fatty fish (like salmon) as well as avocados, olives, nuts, and seeds.
>>drink low fat milk products ,increase your uptake of milk ,and fluids,juices ,..water(much of water )
>>protein sources ,meat ,chicken ,..you can take lean meat and breast chicken if you wish to take the full benefit with low calories.
>>eat fish rich in omega 3 this is good for the development of the brain and eye like salmon, shrimp, canned light tuna, lake trout,...
>>stop smoking ,stop alcohol ,limit your caffeine consumption and sodas
>>Concerning food and your baby colic,some breast feeding mother eat everything and the baby don't suffer colic or being fussy after feed while others are more fussy ,try to figure what your baby is allergic for after a feed he will show ,remember what you eat when your baby feels fussy after a feed and eliminate this food from your food program ,certain food that makes baby fussy or irritable might be spicy food,cabbage ,broccoli,dairy product ,chocolate,citrus,garlic,..
>>remember to take your supplements ,you need more vitamins and calcium ,iron ,...especially if your food is not sufficient.
>>Certain food might increase milk in breast feeding moms like lentils,nuts,spinach ,carrots,dried fruits,...,feed your baby more often you will have more milk this is the key
try to relax and have rest this will have the influence on your baby .
>>Lastly ,remember that you are eating what your baby is eating ,paying attention to what is beneficial to you will reflect to your baby too .
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