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54 years
Hello please give me your answer my son 29 years has kyste behind her ear left attached in ear behind
Aug 3, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
Lumps behind ear are common. They can be big or small in size and be either painful or painless. Many causes can be associated with ear lumps. Some are quite negligible while others can be a cause for medical treatment. Regardless of the possibilities, it is always beneficial seeking the advice of a doctor . Sometimes, timely detection helps identify and treat serious problems, thereby, avoiding complications.
It could be a

-Swollen Lymph Nodes, lymph nodes belong to the immune system and fight infections and remove cell waste from the body,swollen lymph nodes are quite common when experiencing wound infections and tooth abscesses or any viral infection ,especially if this lump is seen recently along with any viral illness in the body ,even a throat infection or a flu can cause swollen lymph nodes behind the ear.
Pain relievers, antibiotics and antiviral medication help treat and relieve the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes.

-Sebaceous cysts form just under the skin and may be felt as a lump behind ear. These cysts contain a "cheesy" protein with a foul odour. Sebaceous cysts occur due to swollen hair follicles or skin trauma. Sebaceous cysts are not dangerous and do not require treatment as most often it disappears after a time. However, infected sebaceous cysts may become abscesses. Abscesses cause inflammation and require medication since they are filled with pus and can become extremely painful, needing surgical draining.

Mastoiditis occurs when ear infections cause infection in the mastoid bone. The mastoid bone can be found directly behind the ear. Mastoiditis causes the area behind the ear to swell and protrude out of the skin. The bump behind ear is accompanied with fever, ear pain, hearing loss and ear redness.

IMPORTANT :if there is difficulty in swallowing, a sore throat that does not heal and a hoarse voice along with this bump behind the ear ,or if the lump is hard and immobile and grow rapidly,then you must contact a doctor there may be serious cause of this presence , usually cancers of head and neck can be presented by lump behind the ear but along with other symptoms .

So many causes depending on other symptoms some are simple other are serious ,you can check with a doctor to examine the lump and order the necessary tests and treatment especially if the symptoms are serious as i mentioned above