Hello drs,my mum has heavy tongue ,she's diabetes patient but her suger level about 9,2 and she is taking concor 5mg she don't has increase in heart rate what should she make? Or take MRI to her brain
Loss of speech manifesting as the inability to say words or to name objects. Speech difficulties may be subtle or obvious. Stroke sufferers may experience slurred speech or a "heavy" tongue. They may experience a complete loss of speech, or they may speak words or sounds that make no sense. They may also be unable to understand what others are saying.
This condition is called dysartthria .
Dysarthria is a condition in which you have difficulty controlling or coordinating the muscles you use when you speak, or weakness of those muscles. Dysarthria often is characterized by slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand.
Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system (neurological) disorders such as stroke, brain injury, brain tumors, and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness. Dysarthria may also be caused by certain medications.
Dysarthria treatment is directed at treating the underlying cause of your condition when possible, which may improve your speech. You may have speech therapy, which often helps people with dysarthria improve their speech. If dysarthria is caused by prescription medications, changing or discontinuing your medications may help
Since your mother is diabetic patient and hypertensive (having high blood pressure )this make her at more risk of developing ischemic disease such as a TIA (transitional ischemic stroke-that may pass by without knowing it occurs) or stroke
Transient ischemic attacks usually last a few minutes. Most signs and symptoms disappear within an hour.
The signs and symptoms of TIA resemble those found early in a stroke and may include sudden onset of:
>Weakness, numbness or paralysis in face, arm or leg, typically on one side of body
>Slurred or garbled speech or difficulty understanding others
>Blindness in one or both eyes or double vision
>Dizziness or loss of balance or coordination
So with respect to her condition yes she is advised to be evaluated by a neurologist for tests and images like MRI and CT for the brain ,to see is a TIA pass by and make her more risky to a stroke after that and if the TIA had caused her heavy tongue ,by the way how long does this happened and does it appeared suddenly or gradually ?
Dysarthria can be sign of a serious underlying condition as i mentioned so it is necessary to see the doctor if she experience sudden or unexplained changes in her ability to speak clearly
heavy tongue is difficulty of speech she may have transient attack mri and neuro consult to be done
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