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17 years
Drinks a lot of Pepsi per day . she finds white spots on her leg and feels unbearable pain when she stands up for a short time.
Jul 5, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Drinking large quantities of sugared soda beverages may on the long run cause diabetes, which in and by itself can produce trouble in the blood vessels and nerves, thereby causing pains and poor sensation in the extremities. Soda has also been implicated in causing osteoporosis on with long term excessive consumption. But on the short term, the pain you are describing cannot be explained by consuming a too much Pepsi per day.
A more detailed evaluation is needed to identify the cause of such pain - could be severe varicose veins, especially that the pain is precipitated by standing up.
As for the white spots on the legs, these need to be seen directly to better recognize their nature; they may may a form of tinea versicolor, caused by yeast living on our skin that grow out of control.
Signs of tinea versicolor include spots that are:
  • Lighter, but sometimes darker, than the surrounding skin. The color of the spots can be white, pink, salmon, red, tan, or brown.
  • Can be seen anywhere on the body.
  • Can be dry and scaly.
  • At the location of the spots, the skin may itch
  • Become more prominent upon tanning because the yeast does not allow the skin to acquire a tan.
  • They grow slowly.
  • As the yeast grows, the spots can combine and form patches of lighter (or darker) skin.
  • The spots may disappear when the temperature drops and return in the spring or summer when the air gets warm and humid.