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39 years
Dr Jihad Achkar, I had a cold for a week now. and still my nose congested but less than the first 4 days. However, although my cold improved i am still not able smell or taste ! 10 days now. normal?
Dec 30, 2013

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
If you suffer from a severe cold ,nasal congestion allergy or you have an underlying sinus infection ,all these might affect your smell and cause anosmia(loss of smell) and consequently loss of taste too but the good point not permanently ,you sense of smell will come again .
Short-term use of decongestants may open up your nasal passages so that you can breathe easier.
If the loss of smell is not improved after the congestion is finished check with your doctor to check if there is an infection causing the problem to give antibiotics if anosmia is not getting better or lasts longer doctor will prescribe steroid nasal sprays to reduce inflammation and get the smell soon .
be patient sometimes it get again soon ,sometimes it takes longer time .