NO link between chocolate intake and warts or acne zits presence ,you will see lots of people eating chocolate with clear faces and you will see people complaining of wart and pimples and not eating chocolate .
Acne and zits are formed when excess sebum are formed and clog pores where there may be infection causing redness and swellings
Warts are small, rounded growths . They can appear on the face, arms or legs hands and sometimes grow in the genital area.
Wart growth is triggered by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is contracted by contact with other person or an infected item like a towel or a surface like a pool deck, . The virus enters the body if it finds a break in the skin.
Both warts and zits can be treated by salicylic acid which is applied in the iquid form to dry the warts it is most desirable wart treatment, based on its effectiveness and safety,the treatment takes 2 to 3 months to see improvement and applied in gel or cream form to treat acne or zits .
other home treatments for warts may include :
>duct tape ,where you cover the wart for a period of time by this tape it takes 1-2 months
>don't rub a wart or cut it by yourself
>always wash your hands between touching your wart to keep it from spreading.
some alternative treatment to warts include
>applying a cotton bud soaked in apple vinegar on the wart
>yogurt can raise the immune system in the body and may help in relieving symptoms by consuming yogurt as a food and applying it as a douche
>apply freshly crushed garlic directly to the wart and cover with a bandage. change every day
>apply slice of raw potato on the wart .
>Tape a piece of banana peel, inner side down, over the wart before you go to bed
all these measurement are done to dry the wart and let it fall .
however ,it is advised to be checked by a dermatologist to order what is suitable for you especially if these measurements failed
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