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16 years
Does asperger curable?
Aug 16, 2014

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Asperger disease belongs to a group of diseases that fall under theuumbrella of the Autistic Spectrum Disorders, which comprises a group of disorders characterized by social impairment (the affected individual has difficulty interacting with people in society), clumsiness, joint laxity (they walk in a funny way and their posture is abnormal), repetitive "wringing" movements etc. This is not a curable disorder, it's a life long condition. Treatment of people with Asperger syndrome isbased upon instruction and counseling to work around the social dysfunction, in parallel with encouragement of special skills focuses on these individuals’ specialability to concentrate on specific tasks and for a specific period of time.
Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
Asperger syndrome is not a curable condition. However, being one of the milder forms in the Autism Spectrum Disorders, with little language development difficulties and normal or high IQ, this disorder allows a child to live a normal or near normal life.