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31 years
Became black all around his eyes like an old man and his face looks tired
May 6, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
There are a number of reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes in kids:
1.Allergies – Dark circles in children can be caused due to irritation or an allergic reaction
2.Eye Infection,Certain eye infections that may cause dark circles are- conjunctivitis, Rhinitis, Strep throat, bacterial or viral infections...
3.Rubbing the eyes - Children are more likely to rub their eyes while studying or watching TV especially watching for long time Rubbing or touching the eyes frequently breaks the blood vessels of the skin beneath the eyes. This may cause dark circles to appear at a very early age.
4.Dehydration – Less intake of water
5.Recurrent cold
7.Fair complexion – Children with a fair complexion are often found to have dark circles under their eyes as compared to children with a dark skin color.
common associated symptoms beside darkness around his eye will lead to the cause of the problem and treat it
It is absolutely essentia to take him to a dermatologist if such a situation persists for a long time.