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22 years
Ana men sene ma3e hypo w wazne 90kg w 3am ekhod hayda ldawa bas hayda el week ana bel regle bas 3am bisir ma3e dawkha wbtemro2 lahza mabirakiz nazare
Oct 26, 2015
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Health Engage
Your Health Engage Meter
Annual Checkup
It is recommended that all individuals see a Family Doctor for a full medical examination annually. Adults should get their blood pressure checked (US Preventive Task Force), a flu vaccine (CDC) and more each year.
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Dental Cleaning
The American Dental Association recommends dental cleanings for adults at least twice annually. Some stains can only be removed by a professional cleaning.
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Vision Exam
It’s recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology that every adult between the ages of 18 and 80 does an eye examination at least once every two years.
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Skin Screening
It's recommended by the American Cancer Association that every adult between the age of 20 and 80 does an annual skin screening by a licensed dermatologist.
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