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27 years
5th day with the flu, but today a severe headache and the runny nose is now bloody and like infected. i am on panadol cold and flu, and cephalexin
Nov 28, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
The blood in the nasal secretions may be due to dryness in the mucosa of the nose (the inner lining). When the nasal mucosa is especially dry, it cracks up and this exposes small blood vessels, so the slightest pressure (mainly from blowing your nose) causes these blood vessels to bleed. I don't know what you mean when you say that your nasal secretions are infected - maybe you mean that they have become darker and thicker? In any case, you are already receiving an antibiotic - so continue the full course. The headache may be due to congestion (the secretions are copious and are sort of stuck in the sinuses). So the solution is to irrigate the nose with nasal saline spray in order to loosen up the secretions so it becomes easier to blow themselves out of your nose. Also apply a thin layer of Vaseline petroleum jelly inside your nose to keep it from getting dry.